Empowering youths (aged 8-17 years) through STEM

The activities’ main goal was to motivate young people to take action by adopting a transdisciplinary approach to address real-world problems and produce creative, long-lasting solutions. Via the session platforms, young people may improve their abilities by increasing their scientific literacy and dedication to environmentally conscious behavior.

Target group

Youths, teachers, mothers, industries, NGOs and university


Stakeholders: SK Chung Hua No 5, Tunku Putra Primary and Seconday Schools, Swinburne University of Technology, Sarawak, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, communities (mothers, youth, students) from Telok Melano, Pasir Pandak, Pasir Panjang, schools in Penang (marine science camp)


The goals of the activities are to leverage STEMBucket resources in education as extracurricular activities to encourage students’ interest in engaging in fun experiential learning and to aid them in conceptualising the basics of STEM subjects. Activities that are only partially supervised include giving participants the resources they need to affect change in their communities, identify issues, find solutions in the real world, and connect facts to arguments.


  • Facilitate inclusive experiential learning using playful approach
  • Encourage and empower collaborative STEM learning experience
  • Connecting knowledge and experiments in STEM activities
  • Online escape room game design

Playful and Frugal

Playful: Fun, using What if approach to ignite interest and curiosity in learning, giving controls to students in their learning, Reflection model and gamified content

Frugal: Using local and existing resources, keeping it simple, and relate it to the local context and culture

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