Nutritional Board Game
Number of players: 5-6
Time: Approximately 15 minutes
Place: Classroom
This game enables understanding and remembering of food classes, concepts of balance nutrition and technical terms in Science.
How to Play
- Players decide who go first
- The first player will move his/her counter according to the number shown after rolling the dice
- Upon reaching a spot, the player will pick a card that has questions on it to test their knowledge of nutrition
- If the player answers the question correctly, he/she stays on the spot. Penalty such as moves two spaces back will be given to the player if the answer is incorrect
- If the player reaches a spot with a ladder, he/she will climb on the ladder to the new spot. If the player reaches a spot with a “snake”, then he/she will move towards the tail of the snake
- The game will continue to the next player and whoever reaches the end of the game first, wins!