Reskilling and upskilling teachers with industries and UNIMAS

The initiative to reskill and upskill teachers in Malaysia, in collaboration with industries and universities such as University Malaysia Sarawak and Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus, aims to enhance the quality and capability of delivering STEM subjects to primary and secondary school students. The program focuses on upskilling teachers through higher order thinking skills using innovative technologies to cater to Gen-Z and new-age learners. In response to the pandemic, the program aims to provide rapid upskilling for teachers’ content co-creation and design skills, integrating digital technology into teaching.

The target groups for this program are primary and secondary school teachers in Malaysia, educators from local universities, and stakeholders such as Chumbaka Sdn Bhd, Exploria, and IEEE Sarawak Subsection. The initiative aims to minimize the gap between schools, universities, and industries while innovating teaching methodologies to ensure continuous professional development. The use of a gamification approach in experiential learning can increase motivation and competitiveness among teachers and students alike. Overall, this initiative is a collaborative effort to equip teachers with the skills and knowledge necessary to prepare students for the dynamic future of STEM fields.

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