Women Empowerment and Well-being

The activities were centred on raising awareness of the value of empowering and supporting women in order to achieve gender equality, a healthy lifestyle, learning opportunities, and their potential in STEM fields. Women are encouraged to pursue STEM fields of study using a playful approach. Raising awareness in communities by involving and supporting female task groups for leadership, entrepreneurship, and leadership development; promoting a welcome environment (platform and places) with inclusive training, mentorship, networking, collaborative possibilities, and a voice for sharing.

The materials employed are hands-on, immersive, and engaging fun activities that focus on health, well-being, leadership, upskilling, finance literacy, entrepreneurship, and women empowerment in order to lead to community sustainability and resilience.

Target groups

The activity targets the groups of women, mothers, girls in STEM, youths and students.

Stakeholders & Partners: Malaria Research Centre, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Kapit Resident office, Kapit Health Department, PPAU, Yoga Region by Alvin Heng, Sarawak General Hospital

Communities: women from Pasir Pandak, Pasir Panjang and Telok Melano, Sarawak Government Hospital (Dr Adibah Ali)


The aims of the activity encourages collaboration on gender equality, health equity, and the empowerment of women and girls in inclusive learning and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education by using a fun experiential learning approach through activities and seminars (among girls).


Conducting activities and workshops using playful experiential learning approach to develop partnership among the respective communities and women, NGOs and student societies

Playful and Frugal

Playful: Role-play, well-being themed snake and ladder game, monopoly game for financial literacy, interactive and simple facilitator toolkit, photos and images to engage participants for pre- and post- studies, encourage girls to experiment and explore STEM in STEMBucket activities, create a platform to encourage agency among female students and women

Frugal: Keeping the programme simple to follow and imitate, promote collaboration, theme based on localised content to facilitate social acceptance by the community

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