Cybersecurity awareness for senior citizen using gamification approach workshops

Cybersecurity awareness for senior citizen using gamification approach workshops

Supported by funding from IEEE Region 10 Educational Activities and IEEE Sarawak Subsection, two significant workshops were held in remote villages—Kampung Praya on 20th July and Kampung Pasir Pandak on 31st August. These sessions attracted over 56 senior citizens, alongside their village heads and committee members, all eager to learn how to identify online fraud and scams, protect their personal information, and understand the steps to take if they fall victim, including contacting the scam hotline at 997.

To make the learning process more engaging and enjoyable, a gamified approach was used, featuring storytelling, role-playing, and a snakes-and-ladders-inspired game. This interactive method helped reinforce the key messages. Pre- and post-workshop questions were also employed to assess the participants’ awareness levels.

The initiative was led by Dr Lim Phei Chin, with the support of her dedicated team members Dr Tan Ping Ping, Eaqerzilla Phang, and Dr Jacey-Lynn Minoi, all of whom are members of IEEE.

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